Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wolfgang moment on Friday. I'm involved in a new initiative at work where we are, essentially, creating an entire new business vertical - a new way to diversify our revenue streams for the company. A couple of months back, we were tasked with a very narrow sliver of such a venture, and we knocked it out, only to learn (perhaps predictably) just how hard this was going to be, and how challenging a vertical it would be to make money in the rather beautifully simple way our parent company makes boatloads of cash.

So a small group of us, including our very inspiring - but challenging - VP did a dramatic thing by tasking us to stop thinking about making money (initially we were told to think exclusively about making money), and to envision a product that's going to matter, to last. This is easier said than done, because it's a fairly competitive, saturated market already. But we spent a day hanging out in a park, diagramming ideas, getting inspired. But the next step was a mystery... which I cracked.

After a lot of research and pondering, I put together a Powerpoint presentation of data - and how to use that data - for the group, and essentially laid out a vision of where the product could go, and what it could be. And, for all intents and purposes, knocked it out of the park. The VP was inspired (just like he's inspired me), and most rallied behind the idea, even though it's not 100% there yet - it's the next big, bold step.

That felt pretty great.

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