Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just because

Yes, it's been slow around here these days. Especially for my one follower.

I haven't had the time or energy to be writing about all my happy moments - of which there are many - because I am too busy having them. When not having said moments, I'm overwhelmed with work. It's been a time of transition in my professional world, all of which are good things - more responsibility and all of that - but it's been most of what I'm thinking about when I'm not with L.

So, I'm deeply, deeply sorry to be offending my meager audience out there - all those people who drop in from the Netherlands, Russia and Encino - but...

Yet, along those lines, it's worth considering whether or not my blog is played out. I never started it to be read, or to garner an audience; if I had, I would've chosen a subject more interesting - or at least scatalogical - than myself. I would've thought about things like "linkbait" and "top 5 posts" to garner all those backlinks and readers that blogs need to get. That was never an interest, and the people who dropped in were like niggling little thoughts in the back of my consciousness - you know they're there somewhere, but you're not quite fully aware of their presence. And the blog was started as a necessary therapeutic outlet more than anything else. The guy who has never kept a journal could only do so if he was typing. And isn't everyone doing everything in "the Cloud" these days anyway? We don't seem to think or speak if it's not "in the Cloud". So... there was that.

But I haven't really needed a therapeutic outlet as of late. I haven't been to see my therapist in at least 9 months, which I somehow feel guilty about, because I feel like the only reason to go see her is so she knows I'm in a good, happy place. This blog has always been my online therapist - listening, taking it in, and not judging me in any way. There's a woman who also doesn't judge me, and when I need the outlet, she is there for me.

Saves my fingers the effort, which can then be used for other things...

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